Tuesday, February 10, 2009

In Service to....

There are a few people who need to be acknowledged right here in the beginning as they are important to the rest of the story. The very first is my lover, my confidant, my best friend, and my master forever known as C. I asked him if he wanted a title like Sir, Master, or Lord. He said no, that he was "C---" and that is the way he liked it. So in deference to that...my master will always be known as C in this blog. Ours is not a new relationship, we have been lovers for the last two and a half years. It is recent that after us separating and hashing it out that we come back together in the formula of D/s. I love him and that is all there is to it. He picks up this mantle of domination with gladness and I am excited to be his submissive and the fact that he is coming south to live and work here....YAY!!! I could write volumes about C and how he and I fit together, but I will merely say this ,we understand each others insanity, and it works well for us. When I am old,grey and decrepit I will be glad he is with me.

The next couple of people are a married couple and at the present I am in trial service to their household as a domestic servant and sort of body slave as required to the lady. M is the master of the House of M and d is his beautiful submissive with whom I am completely enamored with on so many levels. M has that sneaky and rather dry sense of humour that I possess as well, and the fact that he is utterly gentle in so many ways makes me smile. His orders are never harshly given, in fact sometimes they are so subtle that I miss them and then feel like an idiot for not being more observant. He is easy to talk to, to lay how I feel about something out on the table and not be afraid of it. I trust him..and for me that is saying a hell of allot. Plus he enjoys back scratchings and foot rubbings, both of which I am skilled at, so its nice to have someone who enjoys petting as much as I do.

His lady/submissive "d" is a genuinely nice person. One of those rare gems that you don't see every day, and I am lucky enough to know two people like this..the other is my sistah...but I will get to her in another post. "d" is a very sweet and sometimes rather devilish lady. She loves to torment me, but in that nice way that makes it OK and yet its a killer. LOL. I love her for it. Her fetishes and interests fascinate me, watching her merely eat ice cream is a study in art as is her beautiful face. She tells me that I am pretty and I believe her...at the moment we are working on my buying pretty underwear, because in her opinion "a pretty girl should feel pretty under her clothes too." (that is my paraphrasing). Having been a tomboy most of my life....being girly is a new thing to me...I am learning to like it quite a bit :) She helps me, and gives me strength to do things like get a Brazilian wax job. (Owie)

Those are the people whom I serve with a glad heart and thankful mind. They keep me in line and show me new ways of going forward in my life, they also love to torture me as I love to accept their torture. For this...I love them.

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